My dear fellow FOGSI'ans,
I wish to thank one and all for electing me as President for the year 2013. With the support of all the FOGSI'ans, I feel confident, optimistic, excited and enthusiastic to begin my responsibility of carrying forward the work of this prestigious organisation.
This organisation has offered great opportunities and lead me to embrace several challenges – the most recent one is that of the position of PRESIDENT FOGSI 2013, and I thank you for your trust. I am aware of the responsibilities of leading this mammoth organization. I truly believe that Leadership is not about position, it is about ACTION….
"Be realistic – plan for a miracle"That's been my mantra. I had thought to myself that if I ever become the president of FOGSI, I should be installed in MUMBAI ... the place where I studied and grew up and I should have the presence and blessings of my very beloved teacher , Dr S.N.Daftary , who saw a great potential in me , years ago ! This has become a reality this evening.
I recognise that my family , and team Bengaluru and team south India , have waited so long this evening to witness this installation ceremony, and we will all soon see the year go by swiftly with many dreams turned into action - and I do hope to witness many more miracles to change the face of women's healthcare in India.
Everyone in the world today recognizes that India's progress over the past 20 years has been quite phenomenal. The country has witnessed advancements in all fields but India remains "The Perpetual Paradox ". Bias against a girl child is still prevailing in the country. She faces vulnerability to violence at every stage of her life-cycle. We, at FOGSI, now recognize our responsibilities beyond healthcare – encompassing not only medical, but also the social, legal and economical ramifications. Sex-selective abortion still prevails and the "save the Girl child" initiatives work towards ensuring that "SHE is born". But, that's just the beginning …..We have to educate her, ensure safe delivery, and empower her to age gracefully.
Honorable Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad ji , who is the invited guest today, admitting that a huge population is a huge challenge, especially those in rural India, said that Public-Private Partnership Model ( PPP) needs to be explored in a big way and stressed the need for creating facilities that are affordable to all. Honorable Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Prithviraj Chavan ji has said he will be requesting the Bombay High Court to allocate 25 fast track courts exclusively to bring fast results in cases of crime against women. The government initiatives through Gender Responsive Budgeting,GOI campaign on "Happy girl is the future of our country",National policy for women empowerment, JSY / 108/ and other incentives for institutional deliveries, and the FOGSI partnership with EmOC/PCPNDT/ANTI VIOLENCE CELL/ DOSST cells are examples of several efforts towards offering equal opportunities and ensuring safety for girls and women.
What has been achieved is indeed commendable, but considering the sheer size of our country, what still needs to be done presents a huge challenge.It is true that you can spend a lifetime in India and be none the wiser in trying to understand India's vast complexities.We need to Learn to Turn Challenges into Opportunities & Problems into Solutions.We need to figure out what works for us :
The challenge is - India is home for 1.2 billion
The opportunity is - Harness the Human Resource
The challenge is - India is a land of wildly varying religions, cultures and levels of wealth
The opportunity is - Build Public private partnerships.
We know it is not going to be easy, but most things are difficult before they are easy... Bill gates has remarked "A lot of progress has come from the nation's culture of innovation, which has produced some really original and creative solutions….."We have plenty of ideas and the time has now come for effective implementation of innovative methods suited for our country's needs. Hence the FOGSI 2013 theme is aptly coined as "Innovation to Implementation" The theme for FOGSI 2013 is
We are proud to have many THOUGHT LEADERS for INNOVATIVE IDEAS & we need the energy, enthusiasm and commitment of YOUTH LEADERS for IMPLEMENTATION.
To address the issues of PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE in the sphere of womens health care, we work on the concepts of
[1] Consider the Past – Help Mothers Survive [HMS]
[2] Evaluate the Present – Keep Educating Yourself [KEY]
[3] Create the Future – Yuva Towards Tomorrow [YTT]
There are three main stream opportunities laid out for members for participation & action in the year 2013
[1] Consider the Past – Help Mothers Survive [HMS]
The most pressing need of the hour is to save the mothers. Every 90 seconds, around the world, a woman dies from complications of pregnancy or childbirth, yet the vast majority of maternal deaths globally are preventable. According to the United Nations, "Maternal mortality is not just a personal tragedy. It is not just a development, humanitarian and health issue. Maternal mortality is a human rights issue." An emphasis on making emergency obstetric care available to all women who develop complications is central to reducing maternal mortality. According to Mahmoud Fathalla, past president of the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, "there is an unfortunate saying in many developing countries "Any fool can catch a baby"In the 21st century world, there are still millions of women who have access only to fools to catch their babies"
Post Partum Haemorrhage (PPH) and Pre-eclampsia, eclampsia (PE/E) continue to remain the two major causes of maternal mortality.
We launch FOGSI jhpiego Emcure fast track initiative to Help Mothers Survive.
The programme is a low dose high intensity Focused training and capacity building of Frontline Health care Providers to handle PPH and PE/E.
The mission is to train all the Frontline Healthcare Providers to prevent, recognize and treat Postpartum Haemorrhage and Pre eclampsia / Eclampsia...
The HMS fast track initiative will use the Innovative module of Mammanataalle for the training programmes . The FOGSI fast track teams (lead by vice presidents Dr Alpesh and Dr Jayanth] will lead the project through master trainers who have received the technical training by jhpiego. This will be run with the teams in 100 medical colleges pan India and also in all the Ob Gyn Societies. Every post graduate will be sensitised to protocol based practices for AMSTL, PPH and PE/E.
This is especially important in the backdrop of the fact that Path Study has revealed 0% adherence to AMSTL and Dr Gupte's study has brought to light that less than half the number of cases of eclampsia have received Mag sulf injection.
We need your active involvement for this initiative translating into preventing needless deaths - Everyone can be a champion to Help Mothers Survive.
This will make an impact on reducing MMR.
"We can't help everyone– but everyone can help someone" Ronald Regan.
I am thankful to Dr Harshad Sanghvi, the Vice president and Medical Director of jhpiego, for giving me insights into public health programmes and constantly supporting, motivating and inspiring me to do more.
[2] Evaluate the Present – Keep Educating Yourself [KEY]
Pan India CME programmes
The fields of medicine and science never stop moving forward—and neither should physicians. Medicine changes rapidly with new scientific information and technology. To keep up with these changes, doctors learn all through their professional lives. We need to study the ground realities in the Indian context – social, cultural, economic inequalities which present several constraints in offering the best practices.
"Don't let the Best come in the way of Good" Operational research and many programmatic successes have shown the way for innovative, low cost and feasible practices for India. Dr Isaac Manyonda (UK) has been largely instrumental in driving the research initiatives and publications on IV IRON SUCROSE/SINGLE STEP TEST FOR GDM/PPIUCD/KAP on HPV Vaccines.
There is an opportunity in the KEY - CME programmes in every ObGyn Society of India to share the evidence in the Indian context and see what works for us. We hope that you will actively participate in the deliberations, share your experiences in problem solving with the spirit of "each one teach one".
The KEY programmes will share
- KEY facts
- KEY messages
- KEY findings from Indian studies
- KEY recommendations
With Vision 2022 for women's health in India on the basis of ABCDE projects is to decrease the burden of Anaemia, Population explosion, Cancer cervix, Diabetes and evolve innovative low cost but quality care for women, packaged with compassion and respect for women.
Impact will be uniform standards for the practices in India, development of Indian Guidelines and translating them into policies for practice in INDIA.
KEY – Keep Educating Yourself: Each one Teach one (CMEs in every society)
FOGSI MSD KEY PROGRAMME - Cancer cervix – kill it before it kills you
FOGSI MSD KEY PROGRAMME – Building contraceptive choices
FOGSI HLL KEY PROGRAMME - Building contraceptive choices
FOGSI CIPLA KEY PROGRAMME – Building contraceptive choices
FOGSI BAYERS KEY PROGRAMME – Building contraceptive choices
FOGSI Uth Health KEY PROGRAMME – Single Step to stop Diabetes
FOGSI WANBERY KEY PROGRAMME – 9 months 9 challenges!
Initiatives with networking partners
We are proud to announce the collaboration with Public Health Foundation of INDIA (FOGSI PHFI) and will be launching courses on "Contraception" and "GDM" at 50 centres pan India
"Investment in Knowledge pays the best interest" Benjamin Franklin
With Emcure pharma as our leading educational partners, we will host several regional and national and international Congresses, inclusive of YOUTH LEADERS SUMMIT in bengaluru.
[3] Create the Future – Yuva Towards Tomorrow [YTT]
Albert Einstein said 'Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow'. The YTT series of programmes will enhance technical skill development and prepare the young doctors for future challenges. Young people need models, not critics. I urge the senior members to contribute to the learning process of the youth leaders of tomorrow.
I believe that we have all at sometime eaten the fruits from the trees that we did not plant.In the fullness of time, when it is our turn to give, we have to plant gardens which will largely benefit the generations to come. The postgraduate programmes called the FORCE and the workshops in Endoscopy, colposcopy, ultrasonology, infertility, skill drills and communications for the YUVA are fuelled by enthusiasm of joint secretary Dr.VidyaBhat and team Bengaluru. We hope this will help the YUVA work with alacrity and confidence and strive to make India the world class destination of women's healthcare.
The impact will be the creation of many YOUTH LEADERS.
YUVA congress and other events
September i 2 i 14,15 | INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS | HYDERABAD | |
In the ultimate analysis, we are all merely the temporary custodians of financial, intellectual, emotional wealth we have generated through FOGSI. We start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly we are doing the impossible!
The support from the networking agencies, NGOs and Government of India, the commitment from the past Presidents –Drs CN Purandare, Sanjay Gupte, PC Mahapatra,PK Shah , the senior advisors , the balanced inputs from DrNozerSheriar, SuchitraPandit , HrishekeshPai, and the rest of the office bearers , the dynamic chairpersons , and FOGSI office staff – and the willingness of every FOGSI member - good wishes from all sectors will collectively help team FOGSI 2013 to ACT & IMPACT .
Team FOGSI 2013, my Vice-presidents Drs Alpesh Gandhi, Ashwini Bhalerao, Shantakumari, Jayanth rath and Maninder Ahuja , Joint Secretary Dr. Vidya Bhat , the FOGSI office bearers and the staff believe that "As is our confidence , is our capacity"
We have recognised the magnitude of the problem, formulated what should be done and now we need to act so as to impact the change.
You are our strength and will be the catalyst for the change we want to see in Women's Health Care in India.
In addition to these three main stream programmes, a lot more will happen as the year rolls out. I invite all of you to be a part of Team FOGSI 2013 and together we will work towards a common goal of improving women's health. We will immensely value your support and participation in FOGSI activities and we look forward to a fruitful year ahead.
Focus on the results and there will be less time for dispute
Leave the arguments to your rivals
Invest your time in creating excellence
Mahatma Gandhi
Join us in the journey in 2013
I remain in the attitude of gratitude to my parents, teachers, family, friends and of course, to fellow FOGSIans.
I am honoured and humbled by the trust laid upon me.
I thank each one of you once again,
Warm regards
Dr Hema Divakar
President FOGSI
FOGSI President Dr. Hema Divakar speaks.....
On Her TIME with FOGSI – issue one - FOGSI in the NEWS
Dear Friends,
It is a great pleasure to connect with you and share a few emphatic successes enjoyed by FOGSI in the last three months. With your support I feel confident, optimistic, excited and enthusiastic to continue to carry out my responsibilities as the president of this prestigious organization. The time has now come for effective implementation of innovative methods suited for our country's needs FOGSI 2013 theme is aptly coined as "Innovation to Implementation"
The most pressing need of the hour is to save the mothers. Post Partum Haemorrhage (PPH) and Pre-eclampsia, Ecclampsia (PE/E) continue to remain the two major causes of maternal mortality. FOGSI Jhpiego Emcure FAST TRACK INITIATIVE for Helping Mothers Survive [HMS] is offering focused training and capacity building of Frontline Health care Providers to handle PPH and PE/E . The FOGSI HMS CHAMPIONS have done a commendable job and their co-operation for facilitating this initiative and save lives of mothers will go down in the history of FOGSI as a great landmark. Innovative Mamma natalle has caught the attention and implementation phase has been exciting.
And this note on TIME WITH FOGSI speaks more on the HMS initiative .....
FOGSI PATH - Signing a Memorandum of Understanding with PATH, an international NGO, in Bangalore, to implement 'Saving Mothers' campaign.
FOGSI- Jhpiego - our initiatives on Helping Mothers Survive – HMS campaign in association with Johns Hopkins was announced in New Delhi.
FOGSI–SAFOG also participated in the South Asian Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (SAFOG) we announced multiple initiatives under the main banner 'Women's Health in South Asia: Dreams to Reality – Save the Girl Child in South Asia'. Our efforts were appreciated by the obstetrics and gynaecologists fraternities from South Asian nations and they were keen on replicating the same in the respective countries.
At Cuttack, FOGSI, again spearheaded the 'Initiatives to reduce Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) in Odisha by tackling teenage pregnancy' on March 17.
At Jabalpur, the connections with NRHM are strengthened to begin the HMS initiative.
At Gauhati , special emphasis was laid on difficult terrains and illiteracy which would contribute to MMR and the idea of establishing FOGSI SKILL GURUKOOL at gauhati medical college for capacity building was well accepted by Govt officials of North East.
You must be seeing the amazing presence of FOGSI in the media through a combination of events and important announcements. That has been made possible because FOGSI strongly advocated the involvement of media as an effective stake holder for all our programs. The awareness about FOGSI initiatives created pan India is unsurpassable in terms of organization profiling, FOGSI's share of voice among the stakeholders, messaging and the way and effectiveness with which it was conveyed and eventually the mindshare that FOGSI created among the targeted audiences.
To sum up and capture how effective we have been in sending across our messages and creating visibility and presence for FOGSI and the spokespersons, we are enclosing a dossier on the media coverage garnered so far. These are in fact baby steps as well as major milestones for us at FOGSI. We will intensify all our efforts in the coming days to ensure that our objectives and goals are well reflected through meaningful activities and engagements at the national and international levels.
We in India are racing against time to achieve the Millenium Development Goals - MDG 5. We need your help to make India proud of preventing needless maternal deaths. What has been achieved for women's healthcare in India is indeed commendable, but considering the sheer size of our country, what still needs to be done presents a huge challenge. With major initiatives we are marching towards the Impact we hope to create in terms of saving Lives,and making it known to the world.
Rolling out the FOGSI in the NEWS in the first event in bengaluru
Everyone cannot help everyone ... but everyone can help someone !
We invite you to join hands with us
Dr. Hema Divakar
President, FOGSI
Special Issue on Helping Mothers Survive - THE HMS Fast Track & Save the Girl Child BEHOLD A GIRL BEGIN a TOMORROW...
Please click here for DownloadSpecial Issue on Helping Mothers Survive - THE HMS Fast Track & Save the Girl Child BEHOLD A GIRL BEGIN a TOMORROW...
Please click here for DownloadGreeting from Team Bengaluru
Vision 2022 was a FOGSI world congress in obstetrics and gynaecology, an international conference held on 7th, 8th & 9th of June 2013, at the Garden city Bengaluru.
Dr.Arulkumuran, Dr. Issac Manyonda, Dr. Issac Blickstein, Dr. Harshad Sanghvi, Dr. Mandeep singh were the invited International faculty. The Scientific sessions involved 133 national faculties.
Conference had three pre congress workshops, USG – First things First, Endosutuing – Skills drills on Endo trainers, and Cancer Cervix workshop.
These workshop was held at parallel halls, on 7th June, from 9 am to 2 pm. All the halls were jam packed with delegates. A Fogsi Jhpiego meet was also organized, to discuss on the improvements on HMS Programme, with the inputs added by Jhpiego team.
[nggallery id=1]Endosuturing Workshop
[nggallery id=2]Cancer Cervix Workshop
[nggallery id=3]USG Workshop
[nggallery id=4]The conference attracted 518 delegates from all parts of the country.
The scientific sessions started 2 pm onwards on 7th june., which included curtain raiser, inauguration, keynotes and concluded with banquet.
On this occasion,Team vision 2022, did not miss the opportunity of honouring the pioneers of obgyn, like Dr.Arulkumuran, Dr.Shiresh Sheth, Dr. Pailey. It also appreciated contributors for the society like Dr.Sudharsan from KHPT. The HMS Champions were awarded for saving mothers, ' The FOGSI Jhpiego Emcure initiative.
The occasion was witnessed by Mrs. Umashree, State women & child health minister. The message of save the girl child was highlighted in the inauguration.
[nggallery id=5]Day two, 8th June, 2013, started with breakfast table sessions at parallel halls on Adolscent and Building Contraception. This provided a table for the discussions on key factors. The consensus of this discussion was presented in the main hall.
The main hall carried on with scientific sessions on infertility and High risk pregnancy. The scientific session kept the delegates stick to their seats, and entertained them in the evening with cultural gala from Team BSOG and Dr.Jayam Kannan team.
[nggallery id=6]Post Lunch Session
[nggallery id=7]9th june, was also made as interesting as other days, with session on USG and Endoscopy. The session included keynotes , panel and Video on session on endoscopic surgery. There was a take home message on newer innovations to the audience. This will motivate them to implement in day to day practice.
Post Lunch Sessions
[nggallery id=8]The conference had invited for best posters , and the best poster was awarded during valedictory.
[nggallery id=10]Cultural Program
[nggallery id=9]The credit of the success of the conference should be bestowed upon to the president FOGSI, Dr.Hema Divakar, for her enthusiasm and involvement in the congress.
The conference was supported by Emcure pharmaceuticals, which provided the best hospitality for our international and national faculties, with mouthwatering food and refreshments.