Screening For Gestational Diabetes

Dr Sujata Misra MD FICOG Chairperson, Medical Disorders in Pregnancy Committee, FOGSI Pregnancy induces progressive changes in maternal carbohydrate metabolism. As pregnancy advances insulin resistance and diabetogenic stress due to placental hormones necessitate compensatory increase in insulin secretion. When this compensation is inadequate gestational diabetes develops. ‘Gestational Diabetes Mellitus’ [GDM] is defined as carbohydrate intolerance […]

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IUCD & Medical Abortion Survey

FOGSI PSI Women’s Health Project – PEHEL Dr. Ritu Joshi Chaiperson, Family Welfare Committee, FOGSI Dr. Kiran Kirtkotti Chaiperson, MTP Committee, FOGSI With a commitment to reduce maternal deaths by preventing unintended pregnancy the Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) and Population Services International (PSI), an international NGO entered into a partnership […]

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The National Eclampsia Registry

“Reaching the unreached – A FOGSI-ICOG initiative” The project is aimed at understanding the prevalence of “eclampsia”- pregnancy induced hypertension among women in India. “This condition makes the woman morbid and may also kill her. It is definitely preventable, but we need to know the prevalence of this condition so that we can go for […]

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Birth Defect Registry

Dr. Narendra Malhotra Agra Past President, FOGSI E-mail : Birth Defect Registry When did it start , with basic information : Birth Defects Registry Of India is a part of Fetal Care Research Foundation which is a not for profit charity trust started in the year 1993 with the idea of providing Preventive Supportive […]

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Bharat Jagruti Yatra 2008

31 days,  23 States, 98 Camps 25000 kms, 90 villages/towns 40 School/Colleges; 55 FOGSI Society Meetings  FOGSI-ASTRA BHARAT JAGRUTI YATRA-2008: Kanyakumari to Delhi. 1st September, 08 – 1st October, 08 Introduction: About FOGSI: Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecological Societies of India – was formed in 1950 with an aim to impart continuous education to Gynaecologists […]

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Comprehensive Abortion Care Project

Increasing Access to Comprehensive abortion care in India This project to increase access to comprehensive abortion care (CAC) in India was developed by the Consortium for Safe Abortions in India, which includes Action Research and Training for Health (ARTH); the Center for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT); the Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological […]

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FOGSI – FIGO Initiative

International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) has been awarded a grant by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to implement a project on “Improving Maternal and Newborn Health in low resource countries through Strengthening the Roles of Obstetric and Gynaecological National Associations” as a major maternal and newborn health Initiative. Eight Partner Organizations from […]

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