Doctors opposing sex selected termination of pregnancy (DOSST)

Aim: Formation of one DOSST cell per society To spread awareness about PNDT act among members doing USG. To spread awareness about ill effects of female sex selection techniques and female feticide in general public. Create a media image of FOGSI being strongly condemning the female sex selection techniques and female feticide. To be a […]

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To all Presidents & Secretaries of Member bodies of FOGSI Subject: PCPNDT Act & FORMATION OF DOSST (Doctors Opposing Sex Selected Termination of Pregnancy) in each & every Ob. & Gyn. society of FOGSI. Dear Colleague, Wish you a Happy, Healthy, Bright & Prosperous New Year 2012. As you are aware the Female/Male ratio at […]

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FETUS DAY……. A  Dream concept of Jabalpur Obs/Gyn Society was conceived and initiated  on 31st October 2010 , with the ambition of providing “A Healthy Fetus to build a Healthy Nation”. The concept of FETUS DAY is growing and taking firm roots to play a bigger role on the national and international scene. It is […]

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Anti Violence Against Women’s Cell

Anti Violence Against Women’s Cell

Names & Contact details of the members of the cell FOGSI CD – ‘Body & Soul’ prepared by Dr. Duru Shah Manual & Examination forms prepared by Cehat regarding examination of survivor of sexual assault Position statement of FOGSI regarding ‘Violence against women’

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Emergency Obstetric Kit

Emergency Obstetric Kit

Dr. Sheela Mane Bangalore Chairperson, Safe Motherhood Committee E-mail: This Emergency Obstetric Kit has been developed by the Safe Motherhood Committee of FOGSI. It is easy to prepare and store and is a veritable life saver in Emergency Obstetric situations. This is to be kept in conjunction with a PPH Drug Kit for Emergency […]

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FOGSI Retrospective

History is the essence of innumerable biographies! Thomas Carlyle…. The phenomenal growth, progress and spectacular achievements of the FOGSI speak volumes of the solid foundation laid as well as the able guidance and leadership provided by the founder members. The first three existing Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies were established in 1934 in Bombay, Bengal and […]

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