Address of Honorable Prime Minister

Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan
Govt. of India & FOGSI joint CSR Initiative

Dear FOGSI Members,

While India has made considerable progress in the reduction of maternal and infant mortality over the past 10 years, every year approximately 44000 women die due to causes related to pregnancy and approximately 6.1 lakh infants die within the first 28 days of life. Many of these deaths are preventable if quality care is provided to pregnant women during the antenatal period and high risk factors such as severe anemia, pregnancy induced hypertension etc. are detected on time and managed well.

The Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan has thus been launched by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India to provide fixed day assured, comprehensive and quality antenatal care to pregnant women on 9th of every month.

The key feature of this programme is that the antenatal checkups services would be provided by OBGYN specialists with support from private sector doctors to supplement the efforts of the government sector. In the 31st July 2016 episode of ‘Mann Ki Baat’, Hon’ble Prime Minister has appealed to private sector obstetricians to volunteer their services for this programme and dedicate 12 days in a year to the health of pregnant women. Your contribution can help the government in providing comprehensive and quality antenatal care to pregnant women especially pregnant women from rural and hard to reach areas and vulnerable populations.

FOGSI is committed to support “Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan” and join this movement. We request all our members to join this Abhiyan and provide free consultation on the 9th of every month in neighboring government health facilities. All FOGSI Society’s Presidents and Secretaries are requested to pass this message to all members & friends and ensure its applicability.

Details of the programme, details on how to volunteer as well as opportunities for awards & recognition are outlined in the annexed enclosure. A portal for registration of doctors willing to volunteer will be launched on 4th November 2016. However in the interim period, all those who are willing to provide voluntary services on 9th of every month at neighboring government health facilities are requested to share the following information on the email id : First Name, Last Name, mobile number, e-mail address, state and district where you would be volunteering for PMSMA.

We look forward to your wholehearted participation.

Dr. Alka Kriplani
Dr. Hrishikesh Pai
Secretary General,
Dr. Dinesh Baswal
Deputy Commissioner
Dr. Rishma Pai
President Elect,
Dr. Jaydeep Tank
Deputy Secretary
General, FOGSI


Information on Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan for Volunteers

What is the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan?
  • The Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan has been launched by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India to provide fixed day assured, comprehensive and quality antenatal care to pregnant women on 9th of every month.
  • Under the campaign, a minimum package of antenatal care services would be provided to pregnant women in their 2nd / 3rd trimesters of at government health facilities.
  • The key feature of this programme is that the antenatal checkups services would be provided by Govt. doctors with support from private FOGSI members to supplement the efforts of the government sector.
  • The programme has been initiated on the premise that if each and every pregnant woman in India is examined by an Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and appropriately investigated at least once during the PMSMA and then appropriately followed up, the Abhiyan can play a critical and crucial role in reducing the number of maternal and neonatal deaths in our country.
How can you contribute?
  1. FOGSI members are encouraged to provide voluntary services at government health facilities in their districts on the 9th of every month to supplement the efforts of the government doctors.
  2. FOGSI members volunteering for the Abhiyan would be expected to visit designated government health facilities in their districts and provide free ANC checkups to pregnant women on 9th of every month.
Awards / Recognition

MoHFW values the contribution of volunteers and will be awarding them. Some of these awards are for volunteers who have served maximum number of patients, for volunteers who have consistently provided services on all PMSMA days and for volunteers who have served in remote/ inaccessible areas.

It is planned that volunteers would be felicitated by Member of Parliament / DM at district level and by the Health Minister / State Health Secretary at State level. It is also envisaged that doctors providing exemplary services would be nominated for National level recognitions.

Utilization of social media such as Facebook and twitter, for recognizing the work of volunteers would be a core strategy of the initiative. A virtual ‘Hall of Fame’ would be created for recognition of doctors who have consistently performed and achieved the desired benchmarks. While MoHFW would not provide any monetary compensation for your voluntary contributions, the government can arrange transportation if you volunteer to provide services in remote areas of your district.

Ready to Volunteer?

There are three steps to joining the campaign.

Step 1 : Registering your intent to volunteer

A portal for registration of doctors willing to volunteer will be launched on 4th November 2016. One can also register by dialing toll free number 18001801104 or by sending and SMS – ‘PMSMA Name’ to 5616115. However in the interim period, all those who are willing to provide voluntary services on 9th of every month at neighboring government health facilities are requested to share the following information on the email id : First Name, Last Name, mobile number, e-mail address, state and district where you would be volunteering for PMSMA. (You can access the States and Districts by visiting FOGSI website

Step 2 : Deciding the health facility where you would like to volunteer

Step 3 : Provide feedback / Check your Contribution