Inspiring a Vision for Progress and Unity.
Greetings to My Esteemed Members. I wish you all a very healthy and prosperous new year 2025.
It is both a privilege and an honor to have been installed as the 17th Secretary General of FOGSI on January 9, 2025 during the Diamond Jubilee(75th) year of FOGSI. I want to thank my seniors, friends, and well-wishers for all their support. I’m looking forward to this journey and am committed to working towards our shared goals together during my tenure.
The year 2025 will have challenges that will test our resilience and determination, but willingness to grow will pave the way towards success.
FOGSI is undoubtedly becoming stronger now with each passing day and I am hopeful that our Presidents, Secretaries, and members will unite to achieve the goals of FOGSI.
I would like to take a moment to express how grateful I am for having received so many blessings. “We look forward to the future and I want to share My Proposed Plans.”.
My Motto during my tenure is: Support, Strengthen and Stabilise FOGSI, Support the projects for women upliftment, Staff welfare, Financial planning and advisory, Cell establishments, Legal updates, Media, Taxation, Charity commissioner work, Review of administrative guidelines and constitution and maintain regular communication between member bodies and head office regarding various projects, guidelines and administrative protocols.
Thank you once again for this opportunity. I feel greatly privileged to serve as the Secretary General of this remarkable organisation. We will concentrate on promoting the women’s health and welfare of our OBGYN members. Our aim goes beyond just advancing clinical practice and education; it also seeks to enhance healthcare for women worldwide.
I believe that working together will enable us to make our vision a reality. We will launch creative projects and programs that meet the requirements of our members. We aim to make a significant difference not just within our organization but also by shaping policies and practices on both national and international levels, ensuring that our voices carry weight and our initiatives are effective and recognised globally.
Looking forward to a fruitful interaction over next three years.

Dr. Suvarna Khadilkar
Secretary General – FOGSI
FOGSI Secretary General Medal Exchange 2025 | Dr. Suvarna Khadilkar
The Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) is the professional organization representing practitioners of obstetrics and gynecology in India. With 286 member societies and over 45,000+ individual members spread over the length and breadth of the country, FOGSI is probably one of the largest membership based organizations of specialized professionals.
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The Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India
C-5,6,7,9,12,13, 1st Floor, Trade World,
D-Wing Ent., S. B. Marg, Kamala City,
Lower Parel (W), Mumbai-400013.
E-mail: fogsi2007@gmail.com