Dr. Suvarna Khadilkar
From the desk of Dr. Suvarna Khadilkar – Deputy Secretary General, and In charge of website and IT initiatives, FOGSI
Greetings from FOGSI!
As Deputy Secretary General of FOGSI and the IT coordinator I extend a warm welcome to all to this newly refurbished website.
Now this has become more vibrant and user friendly website. Our website is an important interface between FOGSI and the rest of the world. It is like a mirror reflecting all the activities of FOGSI.
The Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) is the professional organization representing practitioners of obstetrics and gynecology in India. With over 262 member societies and over 37,000 individual members spread over the length and breadth of the country, FOGSI is probably one of the largest membership-based organizations of specialized professionals.
Thousands of viewers from India and the other countries log daily to access the valuable information shared by the members!
With www.fogsi.org the official website, FOGSI has an important presence in cyberspace which works to promote and fulfill the aims and objectives of the Federation. this website gives links to our journal, springer, ICOG, AICOG, and Narikaa for public awareness.
We have another portal member.fogsi.org where members can update their details themselves. We have developed an online social security scheme enrolment app and we have given a link to this app on the website.
The FOGSI Website now has an upgraded configuration of 6 GB and has undergone a major revamping to make the site more user friendly. This humongous task of total revamping is undertaken after I took over as deputy secretary general, and in charge of IT initiatives in June 2021.
Now it is revamped completely and ready for the viewers to browse. Considering the huge traffic on the website and huge number of posts to be uploaded daily, first time the streamlining has been done. Keeping in mind different needs of different visitors, separate tabs have been created on home page for the easy navigation. Posts and uploads are classified into separate tabs as FOGSI activities, Publications, Public awareness, membership and post graduates. All the older relevant important posts have been moved to archives section and are arranged year wise.
FOGSI has been publishing very high standard books, hand books, text books, FOGSI focuses, and many other publications. All these are now available on the separate tab dedicated to all types of publications by FOGSI.
Our members can access and be informed about various FOGSI projects and activities where the information regarding conferences, webinars, and other activities will be available in the tab FOGSI activity. Membership information, constitution administrative guideline, elections, meetings announcements etc. for the previous two years will be stored in Membership tab of home page.
Blogs for public education and public awareness modules are available in the public awareness tab and it links to another separate website meant purely for public awareness (www.narikaa.com).
One tab is dedicated to Post graduates learning and training.
We wish to bring news from our international organisations to which FOGSI is affiliated, this will enable our members to have quick access to global news on women’s health.
My past IT coordinators, Dr. P.K. Shah, Dr. Nozer Sheriar, Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, Dr. Jaydeep Tank and Dr. Madhuri Patel have contributed immensely in developing this website.
Social media are the need of the modern times and we must keep up with the changing trends of disseminating knowledge! We are extremely happy to announce that now we are on face book, twitter, Instagram, Linkdin and you tube. You will find all the links to these accounts by user name of “fogsiofficial” on this website. We also have a link to our FOGSI app. Our face book group FOGSI FRIENDS will also continue for members interaction.
Good Teamwork, art of communication are the important components that are necessary for any website team. Fortunately, we have a very good team working for the website and have very eminent panel of advisers and a great support team.
In case of any query or suggestion to improvise the experience please feel free to write to us on email id office@fogsi.org
Hope you have a great browsing experience.
Thank you,
Dr. Suvarna Khadilkar
Deputy Secretary General and IT coordinator